Domain 3 Discussion
hello here is the meeting link
here is link for to day's meeting(Thursday):
hello guys most of are too busy to be available at the same time.
bolu and princesses might not be available in this project due to some issues,
and others are too busy to be available at the same time.
so am taking this time to assign you with the tasks of project and try to finish it by the end of this weekend so i will get time for clear documentation and pitch deck.
so here is your names and corresponding tasks
Japheth: task1(activity 1)
Stephen: task2(activity 2)
Ernest: task3(activity3)
if you finish it, just upload the document here.
if you have any question or suggestion, this is your time.
thank you.
Task 1-Completed.
This is part three, feel free to reach out if i need to correct anything
hello cyberguards, here is our final deliverables. i tried to modify some content.
you can check it if is there any thing to change let me know.
2nd deliverableÂ
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