Domain 2 project Discussion
remember that to day we have a meeting where we will discuss on research we made and divide tasks into pears.
meeting will take place at 8pm nija time
join meeting through this link
Additional to that we don't have meeting today as today's class took long time.Â
Instead of that,Â
Every one have to choose task to work on, either 1,2,3,or 4.
In any task you do, you have to emphisise on these three things:
1. explain the concept in details according to topic you have
2. explain how you did those things for shopsecure retail inc. as well as outcome of those things you did for that shopsecure retailÂ
3. explain how you can apply those things for forward edge as you did for shopsecure retail inc.
So reply with the task you choosed and don't be clouded on same task when there are other tasks remaining.
Additions and suggestions are allowed.
@emmanuel I agree with your task breakdown below, and I would like to take Task 2 please ( Analyze Threat Vectors and Attack Surfaces).
Also, A general remark to everyone, please remember to include milestone markers and timeline for implementation in your deliverables. Â
okay here is the link for today's meeting at 6pm Nija time
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