hello everyone in this topic is where we can just chart, getting to know each other, jokes and anything else.
NB: negativity is not allowed here.Â
Hello everyone. I had no idea about recent discussions. Can we be posting on the WhatsApp group whenever a new topic of discussion is happening or normal chatting is happening. So that we can all come and check and participate. Because I'm used to seeing notifications instead of going on websitesÂ
Good evening everyone, I trust we are all doing okay. Pls, this is not me making excuses or anything of that sort, but I feel that I should drop this here for record purposes and also to see what kinda help I can get. I have a really busy schedule, like a very crazy one. So, I would like for everyone to know that I'm body and soul into this but most times my activities won't attest to that. However, I promise to give my 1000 and more percentage anytime I'm chanced. I pray things gets better as we go on with these projects. I wish us all good luck and success!
hey @boluwatife i understand but no need of watsapp reminder as long as you subscribed to those topics especially announcement and discussion, notification will be sent to your email. we have to keep in mind that we have to check what happened on the forum as we do on watsapp.
the reason for this is just to be familiar with charting and discussing on forum as you're familiar with watsapp.
hey @stephen, just read the message from announcement topic. we understand that some of us has busy schedules but he/she must at least show that he/she is with us and have viewed what we talked about by sending questions, reply or any thing else that will show us that we are together.
read that announcement for more.
@stephen okay, no direct decision. let's see how the rate of your participation will affect the team.
this is because, we need to work as a team.
Hello Everyone,
Hi @Emmanuel, thanks for being such a great leader.
I was wondering if it is possible to pin messages in this forum? Then important messages can be pinned to the top for late comers like me to see what is the most current important info, so that we can quickly catchup?
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